
Hello and welcome to my blog. You can read about my challenge to be the youngest boy ever to complete the Aspire Channel Swim and also follow my journey towards being an even better swimmer. You can also read about my achievements along the way - like being the 2012 Kellogg's ASA Swimtastic Young Swimmer of the Year.
I completed the Channel swim when I was 6 years old - the task was to swim the equivalent of the English Channel in a pool in 12 weeks. That's 22 miles, or 1416 lengths of a 25m pool - this meant swimming 118 lengths a week, every week for the duration of the challenge. I finished the swim in 11 weeks and got my first swimming record.

BY DOING THIS I BECAME THE YOUNGEST BOY EVER TO COMPLETE THE ASPIRE CHANNEL SWIM and raised over £1273 to help people with spinal injuries.

Now I'm working to be an even better swimmer. I know I can swim for long distances, now I am working on swimming faster.


Monday 26 September 2011

Another day, another 50 lengths...

Jack Nicholson once said - "Another day, another $65,000" (I think it was on a Parkinson interview in the 1970's whilst referring to his level of pay - at the time he was the highest paid actor in Hollywood). Don't ask me why but it stuck in my brain for some reason.

Over the years, I (daddy) have adopted, adapted and attached it to numerous personal challenges. This time it's the Oliver swim mantra 'Another day, another 65,000 lenghts'.  We are celebrating the first milestone reached - 5.5 miles One quarter of the way to french france, quite amazing when you consider its only taken Oliver just 7 hours to achieve.

For any normal adult that is a fair crack of the whip but for a skinny 6 year old it's remarkable (I know I'm his father and therefore biased, but even if I wasn't I would be astounded).  At his current rate he will complete the 22 mile challenge in just 8 weeks.

The most remarkable thing I find is Oliver's utter determination to complete 50 lengths every time we go - we count up to 25 and down from 25 to 50. He never seems to get tired (unlike his old man) and gets out of the pool seemingly as fresh as he gets in.

I guess what I'm trying to say in a roundabout way is that we are all very proud of the fact that Oliver has taken on this challenge (his idea completely) in the first place, and because he has, he is totally committed to seeing it through to the end with a smile on his face and a steely desire to succeed.  So roll on tomorrow - another day, another 65,000 lengths!

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