
Hello and welcome to my blog. You can read about my challenge to be the youngest boy ever to complete the Aspire Channel Swim and also follow my journey towards being an even better swimmer. You can also read about my achievements along the way - like being the 2012 Kellogg's ASA Swimtastic Young Swimmer of the Year.
I completed the Channel swim when I was 6 years old - the task was to swim the equivalent of the English Channel in a pool in 12 weeks. That's 22 miles, or 1416 lengths of a 25m pool - this meant swimming 118 lengths a week, every week for the duration of the challenge. I finished the swim in 11 weeks and got my first swimming record.

BY DOING THIS I BECAME THE YOUNGEST BOY EVER TO COMPLETE THE ASPIRE CHANNEL SWIM and raised over £1273 to help people with spinal injuries.

Now I'm working to be an even better swimmer. I know I can swim for long distances, now I am working on swimming faster.


Thursday 8 December 2011

Thursday 1 December 2011

I'm on the front page of the paper today

Hello everyone
I thought you'd like to know that I am on the cover of the Somerset Standard today and there's a big story on me finishing my swim on p5. If you can't get a copy you can also read the story on the This is Somerset Website http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/Oliver-6-sets-new-record-channel-swim-challenge/story-14010172-detail/story.html
Pretty cool!

Monday 28 November 2011

Listen to me on the Radio

Hi Everyone
Here's the link to my spot on the BBC Somerset Breakfast Show on Saturday - listen from 32 minutes in - I'm on the news and then there's an interview with me and Mummy after - it's on line for the next 5 days..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00lqvy3

Saturday 26 November 2011

I Finished My Swim -Got my Record and my 1st Trophy - IT WAS GREAT!

I finished my swim today and loads of my friends came to cheer me home. They had made banners and placards with my name on and they all stood and cheered on the side of the pool as I did my last 20 lengths - it was AMAZING! 
I got a big surprise when I got out of the pool there was a huge trophy with ribbons on it which Mummy & Daddy got for me. Simone, my swimming teacher, gave it to me. The man from the Somerset Standard took lots and lots of photos. I also got a medal from Daddy.
It's been a really, really busy day - It started with being on the radio this morning on BBC Somerset Breakfast Show - I will put up the 'listen again' link tomorrow so you can hear it if you like. I was even on the News!
Then I had football (1-1 today) and then it was time for my swim. It's been great, I did my best swimming and tumble turns.
I am so pleased that I've raised over £1100 so far - that's already beaten my target.
Thank you everyone for your messages and support. Love Oliver

Friday 25 November 2011

I'm at 75% of My Fund Raising Target

I got £150 added to my fundraising target of £1000 today - THANK YOU ALL - that means I've raised £750 so far for people with spinal injuries. Wouldn't it be great if I could get to £1000 when I finish my swim. 
Tune into BBC Radio Somerset at 7.35 am in the morning - I'm on air talking about finishing my swim. Love Oliver

Thursday 24 November 2011

On the radio again tomorrow and Saturday

Hello - Just a quick note to let you know that Mummy is on BBC Radio Somerset tomorrow between 11-12 to talk about me finishing my swim on Saturday. As I'm at school then, I'm going to be on their Breakfast Show on Saturday morning at around 7.35am -- you can listen on line if you like.  We're going to have another go on Friday morning to try and get on Chris Evans at around 7.25 for a fanfare - I'll try not to be so shy this time and then I might get picked. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Only One Swim to Go - I Will Finish on Saturday

I had my second to last swim tonight - 43 lengths done - leaving me 20 to do at my big finale on Saturday. I am really excited that all my friends are coming to cheer me home  - I can't believe I've nearly done it - I've loved doing my Channel Swim, I will miss adding up my lengths on my blog too.
If you've not sponsored me yet and you can spare a few pounds I'd be really grateful - I'd love to reach my target of £1000 to help people with really bad backs.
Thanks for all your support - Love Oliver

Monday 21 November 2011

Only 2 swims to France & Great Racing in Squad Today

Hello Everyone - I had a really great time at swimming squad today - Finlay came too for the first time and did really well. We got to do races which were really good fun - I love racing. We did lots of underwater work  - we had to do whole widths underwater, then get out take a breath, dive in straight away and do another width underwater - we did this 6 times - I was really puffed. 
This is the last week of my swim -  only 2 swims left to my finish!

Saturday 19 November 2011

Got to hold one of those BIG cheques today...

Hello - The Salisbury Journal came to my football today to take a photo of me getting the £100 cheque for the money that  Little Kickers raised for me with Odd Socks day - it was like one of the huge cheques they have on Children in Need - it was nearly bigger than me - I was very proud. Daddy said thank you to everyone. I'm hoping I'll be in the Salisbury Journal this week, fingers crossed.
It's been a really busy today, Finlay had a exam in Swindon so we didn't get to the pool. But I'm still on track - more lengths on Monday. Love Oliver

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Just 86 lengths left.....

I did get a little swim in today before the fun swim at school - I did 450 metres in 15 minutes. That means I've only got 86 lengths to go - I can't believe it!! I've really enjoyed doing this challenge and I think I will miss it when I've finished. It's made me a much better swimmer - I do tumble turns all the time now and I couldn't do them very well when I started. Mummy is very busy organising stuff for my finish I think I may be on the radio again next week. I'll let you know. Love Oliver

Monday 14 November 2011

Broke the 20 mile barrier today

Hi Everyone - I reached 20 miles in my swim today. We did lots of fast swimming and tumble turns in squad, so I got lots done - 26 lengths in total. I've only got 1.8 miles to swim so I should finish next week - which will be early.
I was really pleased to get a Tweet from British Swimmer Hannah Miley (or Smiley Miley as she's known) yesterday - she said I was a hero. I was really chuffed with that. Another swimmer Ross Davenport `(who I met in the summer holidays and got to swim against..{he won! I came 3rd}) sent me a message too to wish me luck for the rest of my swim. It's so brilliant to hear from famous swimmers and it's great to hear from you all too. Thank you for supporting me. Love Oliver

Saturday 12 November 2011

Odd Socks Day Raises £100 For My Swim

I had football today and my Little Kickers manager had arranged an 'odd socks' day to help raise money for my swim. Everyone had odd socks on - one of my coaches even wore one sock with pink hearts on it! Mummy got a bit teary at all the support - all the classes had odd socks on - they were everywhere. Everyone who wore odd socks donated  £1 - we raised £100 today - which is great. I hope you like the picture - that's me with the ball!
I went swimming with Daddy, Mummy and Finlay this afternoon and swum another 40 lengths - I got a Curly Wurly as a treat. It's been a really good day today, it was so brilliant that all my friends at football supported me.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

I've swum 19.3 miles now....170 lengths to go

The last school swimming today as it's a fun swim next week, so I won't be dong any lengths then - just playing with my friends. I did sets of 10 today - front crawl and breast stroke - I joined all my front crawl lengths with tumble turns - everyone in my class thought it was really cool!!! 
Only 170 lengths left  now - I've just looked on the map to see how far 19.3 miles is - I've swum over lots of sea you know and I've nearly made it to France. I've got a cold at the moment so I'm going to be out of the pool until Saturday now. Mummy and Daddy say I'm still well on schedule to finish at least a week early, so I'll let you know how I get on at the weekend. Love Oliver

Monday 7 November 2011

Lovely Warm Pool...

We had swimming squad in a lovely warm pool today - smaller than usual - but really warm.  I got to do lots of fast swimming and diving starts which I love - great fun and 20 more lengths off my total...More swimming tomorrow. Love Oliver

Sunday 6 November 2011

30 lengths after football...

Hello. It's been a great weekend - I did 30 lengths yesterday after football. My Little Kickers group have organised an 'odd socks' day next week to help raise some sponsorship for me. I was so proud when they handed out the newsletter because it was all about my Aspire Channel Swim - lots of the parents couldn't believe I could swim so far. I have raised £450 now - but I really hope I can get some more so I reach my target. Only 3.5 miles to go to France..

Wednesday 2 November 2011


40 lengths tonight, only 252 to go - that means I've swum 18 MILES!!!!!!! in 8 weeks....If I can keep going I should finish in 2 weeks time - and 2 weeks early. I'm getting closer and closer to my record.
If you've not sponsored me yet it would be great if you could. Seeing my total rising really spurs me on and every penny helps someone with a spinal injury. Thank you for your support. Love Oliver

Tuesday 1 November 2011

800 metres today - and Swim Championship Tickets

School swim today - Mummy and I decided we wanted to get 800 metres done - and we did with a few minutes to spare. Only 292 lengths to go now.  We got some tickets for the British Swimming Championships in March today so I can get to watch some of my favourite swimmers in the new Olympic Aquatic Centre - I can't wait.

Monday 31 October 2011

Counting Down Now - 5.1 miles to go....

Happy Halloween !!!! I had a really good swim tonight - the pool was quiet because I think everyone was out Trick or Treating.... I got my treat after my swim, a Twix from the machine - yummy. 
We all swam together today 60 lengths for me, 50 for Finlay, 52 for Daddy and 56 for Mummy. Mummy swam the last 10 with me so Daddy could have a rest!! I want to keep it up this week to make sure I finish in good time.
I was really pleased that the swimmer Sharron Davies retweeted for me yesterday which told another 4,700 people about my Swim - thank you Sharon. I've got quite a following on Twitter now - take a look my twitter page

Sunday 30 October 2011

WOW! Message from Amy Williams

Guess what I woke up to this morning??? A tweet from Olympic Gold Medalist AMY WILLIAMS!!!!! Wow! I'm so chuffed.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Reached the 1,000 lengths milestone today - 6 miles to go...

Gosh 1,000 lengths is a long way  - but I've smashed through the milestone today. I did 50 lengths with Daddy this afternoon after a couple of goes on the inflatable - Total Wipeout style!! They weren't going to let me on the inflatable because they thought I wouldn't be a good enough swimmer - but one of the life guards came over and told the one running the inflatable that  he's seen me swimming and that there was nothing to worry about - so I got to have a go!!
I've got 384 lengths left to swim, I need to keep going for a few more weeks and I'll be there - I'm getting closer to my record every day.

Friday 28 October 2011

Phew...nearly at 1000 lengths

Just 18 lengths away from 1,000 lengths now - if I hadn't been so sleepy this morning I could have got there after my lesson - but 28 lengths down - it was dark - and I was tired. Mummy has just shown me how close I am getting to France click here and put in 15.2 miles/25 metre pool and you'll see for yourself - I wish I'd stayed in and done a few more lengths now.... never mind there is always tomorrow...or maybe later....

Tuesday 25 October 2011

What a day...two thirds of the way there and more good luck....

What a day......I'm back on form. Good things happened - first, two tweets from Olympic Butterfly Swimmer Jemma Lowe and British Swimmer Jazz Carlin wishing me luck, then I managed to beat my PB 84 lengths in one swim!
Daddy took me swimming in Bath today while Mummy took Finlay roller blading. Daddy had to call the manager down to the pool because the life guard wouldn't let me swim lengths in the lanes. The manager didn't believe that someone my age could swim so well, Daddy says I made him eat his words!! I did 84 lengths of my best swimming..... they didn't try and stop me again!  
Then after swimming we went for tea at Jamie Olivers... a great day.

Monday 24 October 2011

886 down - 550 lengths to go.....

I've got 550 lengths left to complete my Aspire Channel Swim. I did another 34 lengths tonight but was tired after playing with one of my best friends today and practicing tumble turns in swimming squad. So I came home, had a lovely spaghetti bolognaise for tea and went to bed with my lovely, cuddly panda. 
It's the start of week 7 of my 12 week challenge today, I am on schedule, I just need to keep going. Mummy says now would be a good time for some 'keep going' messages from you all. If you have time, drop me a line. Thank you for supporting me. Love Oliver

Friday 21 October 2011

I'm in the Mirror on Saturday tomorrow -

Hello - very early swimming today for  my lesson - in the pool at 7am - it was still dark. I asked 'Why we were having a lesson at nighttime' Mummy said it's when all the professional swimmers train...still I did my lesson and another 20 lengths and then we went out for breakfast.
I am going to be in the Mirror on Saturday tomorrow - I'm number 6 in a countdown from 48 - so do pick up a copy if you can. Love Oliver

Thursday 20 October 2011

66 lengths in 55 minutes and in the paper again!!

First day of half term today, so I wanted to make sure I got ahead with a really good swim - Daddy says 66 lengths in 55 minutes is good enough especially as it was followed by 2 hours of gymnastics! 
And more good news, I am in the Somerset Standard again today with a story about me reaching the half way point in my swim, have a quick look at the link here my story I have my swimming lesson in the morning so I'll be adding some more lengths then too. Love Oliver

Tuesday 18 October 2011

It was COLD! today, but Mark Foster kept me going!

Phew..winter has come.. it was cold in the pool at school swimming today - mummy got me out when my lips went blue after 500m! Never mind we break up for half term tomorrow so I'll get a big daytime swim in later this week, watch this space. I got another tweet from Mark Foster today to say well done for getting half way - (you can see it on twitter @oliversswim) - it's really cool to hear from people I see on the TV especially people who are really, really good swimmers.

Monday 17 October 2011

Yippeeee I'm Over Half Way

I am really proud that I have passed the half way point in my swim, having swum 11.3 miles in 5 weeks - that's 730 lengths. Daddy says it's all down hill from here, but I told him that pools are only flat and they don't go up and down! I had squad tonight and couldn't wait to get in the pool having missed my lesson on Saturday because Simone was ill - I'm looking forward to do some more swimming at school tomorrow, off to bed now for some rest. Love Oliver

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Backstroke Gold Medalist wishes me luck

Wow - two Olympians in two days. Thanks to Mummy's help with Twitter I've had another inspiring message from Liam Tancock, backstroke Gold Medalist and one of our best hopefuls for 2012 - I can't believe that him and Mark Foster have both contacted me (see @oliversswim), it's their messages and all of yours that keep me going. Thank You Oliver

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Half a mile today and some special good luck...

I was really pleased to receive a Tweet from British Olympian Mark Foster yesterday wishing me luck for my swim, it really made my day and made me feel very special especially when it arrived on the day I'd beaten my PB. See it for yourself on Twitter @oliversswim
At school swimming today I did another half a mile and I'm now 500m away from the half way stage. Yipee

Monday 10 October 2011

Day 1 of Week 5: Beaten my PB & swum 10 miles!

TD Day no school today - so made the most of a quiet pool at lunchtime - I'm really chuffed I've beaten by PB (that's personal best) and swum 80 lengths in one go! And that now takes my total to 10 miles..... hopefully I should reach the halfway stage next week...watch this space.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Turning practice today....

I had my lesson with Simone this morning and we were working on my turns - tumble turns and underwater swimming at the start of a length - like a dolphin with rocket arms! I love doing this as it's like my swimming hero Ryan Lochte - I've watched him do it on the TV loads with Michael Phelps. Mummy says it was quality rather than quantity today and that every little helps.  PS. Tom Daley is my No.1 British hero, but I haven't had the chance to try cool diving like him......yet!

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Over 500 lengths in 3 weeks....

I had a good swim at school today - another 30 lengths. I'm really pleased to have swum over 500 lengths in 3 weeks. Thanks for all your messages, please keep sending them - I really look forward to seeing them.
I'll let you know how I get on tomorrow. Love Oliver

Monday 3 October 2011

Today I broke my record...

I swam 72 lengths today which was 2 lengths more than I have ever swum before.  I did have to get out of the pool twice to go to the toilet but daddy said it was Ok because I would be allowed to get out of the channel onto a boat if I needed a wee. I wanted to break my best record, and I did so I'm very happy and daddy gave me a pound for my piggy bank, but he forgot to buy my chocolate because we were late and it was nearly past my bedtime when I got out of the pool. It was already night time dark.

I had egg, beans and toast for my tea. Daddy says that's the food of champions and I'm a record breaking champion.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Slow swimming practice....

I was practicing slow swimming in my lesson today - fast legs and slow front crawl arms - to get get my technique better. I had to count 3 seconds for every stroke and did 400 metres of this in my lesson. Simone says this will make me a more efficient swimmer and told me that if I can practice this during the Aspire challenge my front crawl will be amazing by the end.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Less than 1000 lengths to go...

Hi Everyone. It was family swim day today - Alice even came too. I was a feeling a bit tired so did 33 lengths today, which Mummy and Daddy still say is really good. And now I have less than 1000 lengths to go. Thanks for following my progress. I'll be swimming again on Saturday so I'll let you know how I get on then. Bye for now. Oliver

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Thank You Lyn....

Mummy was in London today with Finlay because he was the back up boy for an advert, so Jo Jo's mummy Lyn kindly came swimming with me at school and counted my widths. Thank you Lyn. I did 80 widths today or 800 metres. Mummy got me a new swimming bag from the Olympic shop which I am going to use tomorrow. I am looking forward to my family swim tomorrow when Mummy and Finlay come too.

Monday 26 September 2011

Another day, another 50 lengths...

Jack Nicholson once said - "Another day, another $65,000" (I think it was on a Parkinson interview in the 1970's whilst referring to his level of pay - at the time he was the highest paid actor in Hollywood). Don't ask me why but it stuck in my brain for some reason.

Over the years, I (daddy) have adopted, adapted and attached it to numerous personal challenges. This time it's the Oliver swim mantra 'Another day, another 65,000 lenghts'.  We are celebrating the first milestone reached - 5.5 miles One quarter of the way to french france, quite amazing when you consider its only taken Oliver just 7 hours to achieve.

For any normal adult that is a fair crack of the whip but for a skinny 6 year old it's remarkable (I know I'm his father and therefore biased, but even if I wasn't I would be astounded).  At his current rate he will complete the 22 mile challenge in just 8 weeks.

The most remarkable thing I find is Oliver's utter determination to complete 50 lengths every time we go - we count up to 25 and down from 25 to 50. He never seems to get tired (unlike his old man) and gets out of the pool seemingly as fresh as he gets in.

I guess what I'm trying to say in a roundabout way is that we are all very proud of the fact that Oliver has taken on this challenge (his idea completely) in the first place, and because he has, he is totally committed to seeing it through to the end with a smile on his face and a steely desire to succeed.  So roll on tomorrow - another day, another 65,000 lengths!

Sunday 25 September 2011

Salisbury Swim

Daddy took me swimming after football in Salisbury today.  We've never been to this pool before, it was really busy so it was difficult to do proper lengths without having to swim around people.  I did manage to do 34 though and afterwards we went on the big inflatable floaty thing - I managed to get all the way to the end but daddy fell off, then we went into the bubble spa and daddy got told off. Daddy is always getting told off, last week he got told off for swimming next to me in the lane swimming bit. Daddy says I'm nearly a quarter of the way to france.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Third swim of the week

I did my third swim of the week yesterday and did another 50 lengths. One of Frome Swimming Club's coaches was also in the lanes with me and he gave me some hints on how to get my 'Lochte Racing Turns' even better - I need to make rocket arms underwater - so I'm going to be practicing this too. 
Daddy was so tired after his swim with me that he had to sit down in the shower afterwards!! Mummy and Finlay did 30 lengths too.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Fast swimming today...

Hello everyone. I had school swimming today - mummy came to count my widths in Warminster pool, I sat next to her on the bus on the way back and Finlay sat next to mummy on the way. 
I did 100 widths while everyone else in Woodpeckers had their lesson - that's 1000 metres. I had to swim really quick to get as much done as possible in the time. I've got under 20 miles to go now, I'm really pleased.
If you've not seen it yet - mummy has added a little progress chart on this page (see right) which shows you how I'm doing.

p.s I'm in First News this week - the national newspaper for children - most schools have a copy so have a look.

Monday 19 September 2011

52 lengths today

I had swimming squad tonight after school and was really chuffed that so far I have done more lengths for this challenge than my swimming teacher! I think Simone will catch up though. We did lots of breaststroke practice today so I did 20 lengths in squad and another 32 afterwards with daddy. 52 in total.

Saturday 17 September 2011

In the paper again...

No swimming today but I did score 2 goals at football this morning - we had a really good game.
I am in the Warminster Journal this week if you'd like to take a look. Mummy has started putting together a book of all my press cuttings, it looks really cool.
I'll be back training on Monday - I hope to do another 50 lengths - I'll let you know how I get on.
Have a good weekend.

Wednesday 14 September 2011


Hello, it's Oliver. Mummy, Daddy Finlay and me went swimming after school today and I managed to do another 50 lengths, Finlay (my older brother) did 30, his bestest swimming ever! We got a chocolate bar afterward for doing so well, but we weren't allowed to eat it until after tea. I had a Twix and Finlay got some white Malteesers.

We met the lady who wrote the story in the Somerset Standard in the pool too, she was swimming as well.  She said she recognised me from the picture in the paper, does that mean I'm famous now.

Daddy says I'm ahead of schedule for this week which is good, he says if I keep going like this I will finish early.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

School Swimming today....

I had swimming at school today and was allowed to swim widths while the rest of the class had their lesson. Mrs Priestner kindly counted my widths for me - I did 84 (10m) widths which is the same as 33.6 lengths of Frome pool. Daddy has worked this out and added it to my total, he says I'm ahead of schedule at the moment which is good.

Monday 12 September 2011

Listen to me (and mummy) on the radio here

Here's the link if you would like to listen to mummy and me on BBC Somerset (you need to listen in from 2 hours 26 minutes, my bit is right at the end)

I started my swim...

At last I've started my swim - I did 47 lengths tonight after school which I'm really pleased about. Got my 50m time down to 69 seconds tonight too. 
Thanks for all your messages today.
I was on BBC Radio Somerset this morning at the end of the Breakfast Show - just before 9am - it should be up on the Iplayer tomorrow if you missed it. I will ask daddy if he can do a sound bite of it to add to my blog.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Saturday 10 September 2011

See my story in the paper, click below

There's a copy of my story from the Somerset Standard this week, on line - click below and take a look. 
Only two days to go - I can't wait to get started.

Friday 9 September 2011

Hear me on the radio on Monday

I will be talking about my swim on BBC Radio Somerset an 8.55am on Monday 12 September. Please tune in or listen on line. Let me know what you think.

I'm in the paper

Did you see me in the Somerset Standard today?

Tuesday 6 September 2011

I feel famous today.....

What a busy day today, I've had lots of photos taken for local newspapers who are covering my story this week. Just got back from the pool from my final shoot of the day...I can't wait to see myself in the paper.

Monday 5 September 2011

One week to go....

It was good to get back to swimming squad today, I did lots of work on my front crawl. After the summer holidays my 50 metre time was slower than normal at 77 seconds - I will try and be faster next week. I'll let you know how I get on. 

Friday 2 September 2011

Daddy did a training swim today to  try and keep up with me when I do my big swim.  He says it didn't go well.

Training in the sunshine today

Last day of school holidays today - just been for an 8k family bike ride. I like to be at the front going fast - it's all part of the training!

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Getting Ready!

I'm looking forward to starting my swim and very excited that I have my own page on the web. What do you think?