
Hello and welcome to my blog. You can read about my challenge to be the youngest boy ever to complete the Aspire Channel Swim and also follow my journey towards being an even better swimmer. You can also read about my achievements along the way - like being the 2012 Kellogg's ASA Swimtastic Young Swimmer of the Year.
I completed the Channel swim when I was 6 years old - the task was to swim the equivalent of the English Channel in a pool in 12 weeks. That's 22 miles, or 1416 lengths of a 25m pool - this meant swimming 118 lengths a week, every week for the duration of the challenge. I finished the swim in 11 weeks and got my first swimming record.

BY DOING THIS I BECAME THE YOUNGEST BOY EVER TO COMPLETE THE ASPIRE CHANNEL SWIM and raised over £1273 to help people with spinal injuries.

Now I'm working to be an even better swimmer. I know I can swim for long distances, now I am working on swimming faster.


Friday 26 October 2012

In the News...

Hi Everyone
Here's the links to some of the stories about me winning Young Swimmer of the Year
and if you want to see the write up in the British Swimming web site it's here....
Had a great swim tonight - got to time my freestyle and breast stroke. In the pool again 7.30 am tomorrow for more training with Finlay.
See you all soon
Love Oliver

Tuesday 23 October 2012


On Saturday I won the Kellogg's ASA 2012 Swimtastic Young Swimmer of the Year Award - I spent the weekend up in Sheffield at a special award event and got to meet lots of my swimming heroes.

Me with the lovely Hannah Miley who presented my trophy

It was a long drive to Sheffield and we had to leave really early in the morning - but it was worth it. On Saturday afternoon I had a 'Swim with the Stars' session and I got to play water polo, do swimming races and have fun with Olympic and Paralympic Athletes. Daddy even had to to some synchronised swimming - he wasn't very good! Mummy has it on video!

After the swim I got my picture taken with lot of the athletes - here's me with Ellie Simmonds - she let Finlay and I wear her Olympic Gold Medals.

I also met the paralympic world record holder and gold medallist Josef Craig (he let me wear his medal too) he told me all about what it was like to race at the Olympics and how he prepared for his record breaking swim. He's 15 - the same age that I will be when the 2020 Olympics are on. He was really nice.

After the swimming we got to meet all the athletes -  there were lots there from swimming, diving, synchronised swimming and water polo -like Kerri Anne Payne, David Carry, Nick Robinson Baker, Jazz Carlin and James Goddard to name a few. I've got a full autograph book now! They were all so friendly and told me lots of things about what it's like to be an athlete.

Then it was time to get changed for the awards dinner. I had a new shirt, tie and waistcoat to wear. When we arrived everyone looked really smart and I even got to hold a real Olympic Torch which one of the other finalists had brought along.

Then we were called into the ceremony - the whole room was dark with twinkling lights on the walls and ceiling. I had my name on table number 2 and there were lots of goodies on the table too - badges and a cuddly elephant called Trunks. We had the Olympic diver Monique Gladding on our table and her coach - they were both really nice and told us lots of stories about the Olympics and what it's like to be a diver. I was really nervous when the awards were being announced as the other finalists had done really well too. I couldn't believe it when Steve Parry called out my name. There was a spot light on me all the way as I walked up to the massive stage - it was a long way. Hannah Miley presented me with my award - it was amazing!

After getting the award I had to go and do lots of TV and radio interviews and have my picture taken. I stayed up until 11 o clock. My interviews were on the BBC and ITV news on Sunday and Monday - lots of people saw it. My Headmistress and Teacher were so surprised that they told me they were screaming at the TV when I came on. Lots people also heard me and mummy on BBC Radio Somerset yesterday - if you missed it you can listen again on line - here's the link (it's about 24 minutes in) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00zd0tz\

There's lots more things going on this week and I will let you know how I get on. I hope to get a recording of the TV interviews - if I do I will let you know.

What a great week. Love Oliver

Friday 19 October 2012

One More Sleep....

There's only one more sleep to go until the 2012 Swimtastic Awards - I am so excited.  Finlay and I  have both got a new shirt, tie and waistcoat to wear to the awards dinner - they look really cool.  I wonder which famous swimmers I will get to swim with?

Here's the link to the British Swimming Page that tells you about me and the other two finalists in the Young Swimmer of the Year Category, I wonder if the others are feeling excited about tomorrow too? http://www.swimming.org/asa/news/swimming/the-kelloggs-asa-swimtastic-awards-2012-countdown-thursday2/15280/

I was in the paper again this week, they ran a story about me being a finalist - you can see the story here  http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/Boy-7-meet-stars-swimming-Channel/story-17111791-detail/story.html

So please keep your fingers doubly crossed for me tomorrow I will let you know how I get on, or if you like you can listen to mummy and me talking about it all on BBC Radio Somerset at 6.55am! on Monday morning (Mummy says to let you know that you can listen to this live on line if you want to!)

More soon, Love Oliver

Saturday 6 October 2012


Hello Everyone
I've had a really exciting week following the Heart of Somerset Awards. I've had so many people sending their congratulations - thank you everyone. I was in the paper this week too, the story is on line here and if you use the scroll bar on the pictures you can see the one of me and my award plus the group one with Valerie Singleton. http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/Heroes-heart-Somerset-honoured/story-17033923-detail/story.html 
Just when we thought it couldn't get better..... I had a surprise letter.... it said that I am a finalist for the ASA Swimtastic Young Swimmer of the Year award. This is a National award, Simone and Mummy say it's a big deal, it means I'm in the top three in the country. And Mummy, Daddy, Finlay and I get to go for a special weekend in Sheffield for the event. First I get a big fun swim with lots of Olympic and Paralympic Swimmers and then in the evening we have to dress up very smart and go to a big dinner to see which of the finalists will be the winner. There will be another film about me swimming for everyone to see. It's so exciting, I can't quite believe it. I have to go and buy something new to wear. It's only 2 weeks away on 20 October, I can't wait.
I will let you know how I get on and in the meantime I will keep swimming my best.
Lots of Love Oliver